Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I am blessed; why me?

I just have to share these thoughts this morning..

I woke up literally sweating because my mind was running with all of these thoughts about how much I have, and how blessed I am, but why me?
I have:
a loving family: a mom, dad and entire slew of siblings whom I absolutely adore!
a home- not just one that just gets me by, but one that holds the tons and tons of clothes that I have, one that holds all of my furniture, which holds my macbook that I'm typing on at this very moment.
food- not just food, but food of my choice, as much of it as I could ever want. I have enough for seconds, and thirds.
good health- I am not sick, nor is anyone in my family at this time, thank you Lord.
...the list goes on and on and on...

I have SO much; I am SO blessed; but why me? Why was I born in the US, where I could have everything I could ever want, way more than I could ever need, while there are other people across the world who barely even have the bare necessities; in fact there are millions who won't even be eating today. That makes my heart so sad.

The conclusion I've come to this morning, is that the Lord has blessed me with this life so that I can GO and TELL and bring resources with me. What I mean by that is that resources are my segway into foreign countries. If we go to other countries where Christianity is forbidden with the Good News, and no resources, heck they're not going to let us in, but the Lord has blessed us with more than we could ever imagine.

Now what? I am praying about where the Lord is going to send me next. Join me in a 7 day journey of prayer to see where the Lord is calling you to go. My prayer is this: "Lord help me make a difference for you that is utterly disproportionate to who I am"-- David Platt. :D God is good, just and worthy of our hearts, souls and minds.
Matthew 28:18
"Make disciples of all nations..."

1 comment:

  1. Amen. I've been thinking this exact thing lately ....why me? We are truly blessed. I'm guilty of taking that for granted, And for those of us that have gotten a chance to see how many people are suffering it weighs heavy on us. "To much is given, much is required" ...I'll be praying with you on this and where God wants me next as well. Thanks for reminding me of my heart and my passion. I love you!
