Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thank you Lord for being more consistent than Texas weather :)

Well, today is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! How in the world do we go from 20's to 70's to 20's to 60's all in a four-day span? Well, it's beyond me as well (and don't say global warming.. Gore is a nutcase.. sorry if you like him)

I was doing some reading this morning (before my first day of work.. WHOOP) and came across this:
"I am the LORD (Yahweh), and I do not change..." Malachi 4:6

That's so awesome, is it not?
EVERYTHING about our world changes.. weather changes, culture changes, world powers change, (unfortunately) economy changes, ... etc, etc. EVERY single thing changes, but the one thing, the greatest thing ever, is that our God is NEVER-changing. He is constant and steady.

This makes me think about my poor Joseph The Second.. my car. My first vehicle was Joseph, so this one is the second. Anyways, Joseph II is having some real issues.. and home girl isn't able to fix them until paycheck number one comes in.. hopefully not too much longer. But we'll be on the freeway (Joseph II and I) and all of a sudden, the car starts shaking. Not just a little shake, but my hands tickle from holding the steering wheel because my alignment is off. It just stinks, but it's a great analogy for the point I'm trying to make :) Everything unexpectedly changes in the blink of an eye but we have a GOD ALMIGHTY who is NEVER EVER going to change. He will always love us abundantly, regardless of what life brings. He will always have his arms wide open, just like the story of the Prodigal Son (refer to Luke 15:11-32). That is just the most amazing thing to me. God created me (and you), and two. that He will love me the same, forever. His love is constant, so our hope should be abundant!! :D It's so easy to get distracted by day-to-day situations, but I (and maybe you) need to constantly remind myself of the ABUNDANT and EXTRAVAGANT love that my Father has for ME!

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