Sunday, September 26, 2010

Deity, not diety (unless you're on the Taco Bell menu)

Well, it's a new Sunday morning, and I'm loving it this morning because a cold front it officially on it's little way to College Station, Texas! Although Texas is my favorite place in the whole wide world, it is stinkin' hot here! '

This morning I've been thinking about the divine nature of God, his deity: love and righteousness. He is so good. Without the cross, we would have a much different concept of God's love because of His wrath, which is actually really sad. Sad in that I don't get the severe punishment that I deserve when I sin against an infinitely Holy God, because Jesus did it for me. How could a man allow every bit of sin to enter himself, for my sake? And for yours? I think for a really long time I viewed the cross as a really physically painful situation: the whips, the thorny crown, the heavy wooden cross He had to carry, the nails that struck each wrist, the bloody sweat that seeped from His pores because he was undergoing so much physical pain... etc. What about the fact that our Jesus endured the divine wrath for all that His people ought to have suffered, and He had to be seen before the Creator of the Universe, HIS DAD, with this dirty, ugly, nasty, grotesque FILTH, that was caused not by He, but by me. My Jesus cared enough about me, and you and everyone, that He not only died for us, because that would be empty. People die for people all the time. He didn't just die.. he endured divine wrath. We nailed Him to that cross. That is love. Even worship isn't enough for what He endured on the cross. Worship is honestly the least we can do. The very least!

So at some point in time, we have all been on some type of diet, correct? For me as a runner, I had certain foods I could eat, some that I couldn't but did anyway. Starting a diet is when we make the decision to restrict certain foods from entering our mouth. It's essential eating less for the sake of health. Taco Bell. Taco Bell claims that they have a diet menu. That is about as bogus as a doctor prescribing cotton candy to a diabetic. The point I'm trying to make here is that our relationship with the Lord should never be a diet. We should never limit His presence in our lives. We should be so overly-morbidly-ridiculously obese when is comes to our relationship with the Lord! He should fill us and consume us until we can't fit any more of Him in! His divine nature should have us absorbing every bit of Him that we can. He is so worthy of all of our everything. There is nothing of ours that He is not worthy of.

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