Sunday, April 3, 2011

When it rains, it drizzles

Last week was rough.. one of the weeks you wish you could just skip over. Maybe some other people feel that way too? Well I was reminded (by Rick), in a loving kind of way, how good I have it. Even on the rough days, or the rough weeks, I am still better off than many. Here is the conclusion I have come to (granted, it has taken me several days to get here):

I am not terminally ill
I am not hungry
I am not cold
I am not motherless/fatherless
I am not mourning over the death of a close family member
I am not hopeless
I am not held in captivity and being tortured for the sake of the gospel
I am not a child bought into the sex slave industry -this one brings tears to my eyes. Lord please free these sweet little innocent and precious children.
this list can go ON and ON and ON..

I am fortunate. Even in the hard times, how can I complain about my life? That's nothing. Life is BEAUTIFUL! On the bad days, life is STILL BEAUTIFUL! Thank you Lord for changing my perspective. It is the Lord's will for me to endure hardships, whatever they may be. I need to consider them joy, because these are the growing times. I have found myself on my knees more this week than I have in the past several months. Why? Because it's when you're at the lowest of the low when the only place you can look is up. Job's story is an amazing example. satan thought he could turn Job away from the Lord by taking pretty much everything away from him, including his children (imagine that.. I don't even have children so I can't, but I know how much I love my two-year-old bubba and I can't IMAGINE losing him..), yet Job continued to exalt and honor the Lord through His trials. Honestly, that goes to show how Christ can send supernatural comfort to those who are hurting. I am praying this for every hurting person tonight because I know what it's like to hurt- we all do. If anyone has any specific prayer request, please email me or text or call or something! I want to pray very specifically. The Lord has blown me away this week with the comfort and shield of protection and security He has placed on my heart! It's supernatural, and He can do the very same for every other hurting person. I will beseech on your behalf.

Lord, I am small and you are huge. Thank you for who You are. Your grace truly is amazing, and it's something that I will never be able to fully grasp. I pray specifically for every hurting person, please mend every broken heart! Lord, let us come to know you greater through these troubled times though, because you have allowed us to face these trying times for a reason, whether it be to relate to others, or just to grow us in You. We LOVE you Lord.

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